My name is David Holton, I'm 22 years old. Brown hair, pale skin, small build and frequently bearded. I hail from the suburbs outside of New York City, am a harpist, and my favorite cartoon is the Pinky and the Brain.
I think that's enough bio. In the fall I will be travelling to Baguio in the Philippines as part of the Young Adult Service Corps. I continue to exist in a state of nervous excitement, nervous because I still feel very uninformed about what I'll be doing and how to go about doing it, excited because this all is a dream come true. My dad has been asking me for a concise summary of why I want to serve with YASC. So far this is the best I've come up with,
"The world is getting smaller, nations are jostled together like commuters in a crowded subway, everyone in each others space and everyone annoyed. I want to be a friendly smile in that subway, connecting with the individuals which make up a nation, and being a force for world peace through individual friendship."
The personal connections start in this country though. I am attempting to raise $10,000 to help fund this trip, the number is scary, but the number of people who have already started to help is a true blessing. I am travelling as a representative of the Episcopal Church and of the USA, a representative for you all, and as people donate money I feel a community being built around me. I will not be travelling alone, I go surrounded by the love and well-wishes of everyone who gives money, or prayers, and who stays abreast of my life via this blog and the letters I will send. So please, if you feel called to, donate some money to my trip. Checks can be written out the the DFMS (Domestic Foreign Mission Society) with YASC and David Holton written in the memo line, and sent to me at 91 Greenwood Lane, White Plains NY 10607. Please send your prayers as well, and continue to follow the blog! I've always wanted to be writer, I'm excited to have something to write about!